Monday, November 3, 2008

Tracking Social Media Coverage through Web 2.0

In the world of Web and PR 2.0, there are several ways to track coverage and hits from online media outlets. Boston Public Relations Agencies, as well as Boston Marketing Agencies use various websites and services to track their results and see where they need to pitch for more coverage and exposure. Successful PR 2.0 is dependent on measuring results and implementing new strategies to ensure more coverage.

One of the best sites I have come across for Public Relations professionals is scans Delicious, Digg, Furl, Google, Jots, Linkroll, Netscape, Reddit, Shadows, Spurl, Technorati, and Yahoo My Web to gage a website’s social popularity. The way it works is: you type in a URL of your choice and the site returns your results based on a “social meter score”, which is the total amount that the particular URL hits on the social media websites outlined above. Socialmeter also breaks down hits by each social website, so marketing and public relations experts can determine which websites to target for more coverage.

This is a great tool to use to determine how often a website is showing up, and further where to target your efforts in the future. This is a great tool for Boston Public Relations Agencies to see the results of their work, figure out where to pitch for more coverage, and ultimately increase the online popularity of their company and clients.

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